Placing an order

  1. Choose and place your product(s) in the shopping basket

    Search and select the product you wish to buy. Use the large orange button (featuring a shopping basket) to add the product to your basket. You can now continue shopping or start the ordering process.

    Would you like to view the contents of your shopping basket in between? Or pay directly? Then click on your shopping basket at the top right.

  2. Entering your details

    Once you have clicked on 'check-out' you will be taken to the screen where you will be asked to enter your personal or business details. You have two options:

    • Yes, I already have a PhysioParts account. Then please log in to your account to continue the ordering process.
    • No, I don't have an account yet. No problem at all! You can also order without an account. Please fill in your personal or business details.

    After logging into your PhysioParts account, you will be able to view all your orders, see the products you have returned, and have the option of quicker payment. So, if you want to shop faster and easier, we recommend that you create a personal or business PhysioParts account. You can do this here.

  3. Shipping

    PhysioParts despatches all orders via the parcel delivery service DPD. If you have entered all personal or business details correctly, you will see the method of shipping at the bottom of the page.

    • Parcel delivery service at the desired delivery address
    • Collection at a DPD ParcelShop
  4. Check order

    Check your order and order details.

    Payment method and placing an order.
    After choosing the shipping method, you will be given several options for payment. Please select the payment method of your choice.

    Then place your order by clicking the 'Place Order' button.

    You will receive an email confirmation of your order containing all the order information, including the order number.

Advice and help with choosing

In order to offer our customers an optimal webshop experience, we strive to provide the most accurate and complete product information possible on our website. And if you are still unable to make a choice, we offer you telephone support with help and advice.

  • Are you a private customer and need help or advice? Then please contact the customer service team on the number +31 50 549 2206 and choose option 3.
  • Are you a business customer and need help or advice? Then please contact our sales department on the number +31 50 549 2206 and choose option 2.

Changing or cancelling an order

A mistake may occur while placing your order. However, we are happy to help you resolve this. Please note that there is one important condition: your order must not yet have left the warehouse.

We offer you the following options for changing or cancelling your order:

Cancelling an order

Would you like to cancel an order? This can be done in the order overview of your account. Please note: you can only cancel an order if it has not yet left our warehouse.

Changing an order

Did you make a mistake while placing your order? For example, by entering the wrong name or address? Please call our customer service team as soon as possible on the number +31 50 549 2206. If the order has not yet left our warehouse, we will help you amend the information.

Is your order already on its way?

In our warehouse, we always work hard to send out customer orders on time and as quickly as possible. It is therefore possible that your order is already on its way.

You have the option to actively refuse the order at the moment it is offered to you by the parcel delivery service. You then inform the parcel deliverer that you do not wish to accept the parcel. The parcel deliverer won’t find this a problem and will return the product. After the parcel has been returned to us, we will contact you to find a suitable solution. The active refusal of a package is free of charge.

Did you accept your order from the parcel delivery service?

Then please request a return via our website. This can be done via the online returns form. If you would like more information about our returns policy, please refer to our returns page.


From the moment that we have received your order back or that you have cancelled your order when the package has not yet left our warehouse, we will proceed to a refund within 7 days.


Order paid for?

Are you unsure as to whether your payment has been successful, despite having received an order confirmation? Then we recommend that you check your bank account statements to be sure.

Order paid but no order confirmation received?

You’ll usually receive an order confirmation within a maximum of 60 minutes. If this isn’t the case, it’s inconvenient. If you still haven’t received an order confirmation after your order has been paid and the amount has been debited from your bank account, please contact our customer service team. Call +31 50 549 2206 and make sure you have the right order number to hand, so our staff are quickly able to help you.

Payment failed or refused?

It may occur that a payment method fails because the payment provider has a malfunction or the limit has been reached on a payment card. Just to be sure, we recommend that you check your bank account to determine whether the debit has in fact failed. You may choose to try payment again using the same payment method or you can opt for a different method of payment.

Payment methods

We offer several options for paying for your order. We don't accepted cheques.

Request an invoice

For your own administration it’s handy to have access to the purchase invoices.

Do you have a PhysioParts account? Then the invoices can be easily viewed and downloaded via the order overview in your account.